Home » Latest News » FCC Annual Meeting 2017 This Sunday May 7
  • FCC Annual Meeting 2017 This Sunday May 7

    You are invited! Do you have the annual meeting in your calendar? It promises to be a rich time. This year, along with conducting the official business of the church and looking back over the past year, we will talk over lunch about our vision for the use of Ripley Chapel. Then we will decide together, based on this vision, what level of financial commitment we will make to bring this about. Non-members are warmly invited to join us for the annual meeting. You can see the warrant for the meeting here.
    Children will have their own lunch and a fun activity (involving pajamas!), so parents can relax and enjoy the meeting.

    The 177th Annual Meeting

    The Annual Meeting is for everyone — a time to build community, a time to reflect on the year past, a time to celebrate our activities together, and a time to express our hopes for the future. It will be held in Chidley Hall following the morning service and will include a light luncheon. Please sign up to help with the luncheon.