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  • Outdoor Church April 30th

    The Outdoor Church:  2 Walkers Needed!

    Thanks for your response to our request for ingredients and sandwich makers for the Outdoor Church this Sunday.  We are in good shape there but we still need 2 walkers to deliver sandwiches to the homeless members of Outdoor Church. We meet at the church at 1:15 and should be back no later than 4pm. This is a wonderful opportunity for a mother or father and child to do a mission activity together.  Please contact Lisa Loughlin  if you can help.

    The Outdoor Church is a church for homeless men and women in Cambridge. Our church serves there when there is a 5th Sunday in the month. Together, we purchase ingredients, make sandwiches, and send them (and some fresh, new socks) with two or three congregants to Cambridge. There our members help to serve the Outdoor Church Congregation. They don’t have walls or a roof, but they do have community and spirit.
    What we need:
    • Sandwich providers: Drop off your ingredients (meats, cheeses, tuna, egg, chicken salad, PB&J) anytime before Sunday, leave in Chidley fridge and kitchen.
    • Sandwich makers: Come down after worship.
    • Sandwich givers/walkers: Join Lisa and carpool to Cambridge.
    • Socks: Drop off in the church lobby or bring them to the sanctuary on Sunday.
    Able to participate this month? There are roles for all ages! Contact Lisa Loughlin. There will also be a SignUp genius form coming soon. Thank you!