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  • Cookie Walk This Sunday

    Cookie Walk Sunday December 10 at 11:30 down in Chidley Hall

    Each year the youth group hosts a cookie walk that they split the proceeds between their mission trip and an organization. This year, we will take the half the money to buy socks for the outdoor church.


    What do we need from you?  Have you baked your Christmas cookies yet or perhaps this is the little push you need to start!  We ask that people from the congregation bring in their baked cookies before the service and put them in the Tucker Room. Please remember…NUT FREE,  Also, we ask that you provide a list of the ingredients because of the many other allergies that people have in our church.


    After the service, you, as well as the rest of the congregation will make a small monetary donation for a paper plate that you can go around and fill with a dozen assorted cookies of your choosing!
    Please email our Youth Minister at ben.pulaski@gmail.com with any questions. See you Sunday!